
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (corp. name) is a nondenominational evangelical church, welcoming people of all traditions and backgrounds.

We have come to see the Christian faith as a way of life, a faith to be confessed, a vision to be embraced and a joy to be lived. Our ministry is one that involves all the members of our church family.

We are a vibrant rural church that has served the community of New Bielau for 136 years. We invite you to join us for worship this Sunday and we look forward to walking with you on your faith journey.

Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship – 9:00 a.m.

Children's Sunday School – During 9:00 a.m. worship service (nursery provided)

Adult Bible Study –   3rd. Sunday 10:15 a.m.

Open Communion – 1st Sunday of each month

Decoration Day – 1st Sunday of May 9 A.M. NO AFTERNOON SERVICE

Special Evening Services

 Maundy Thursday – 7 P.M. (Communion service)

Candlelight Service -- 6 p.m. on Sunday prior to Christmas

       Ash Wednesday  -- 6 P.M. (Communion Service  with Ashes) (Wednesday, February14,2024)

       Christmas Eve  -- 6 p.m. with Communion and Candlelight

Each Sunday morning after the worship services, we join together with fellowship and food. The fourth Sunday we join together to celebrate all of the birthdays of that month with a full church brunch. This is a time to visit, exchange the happenings of the last week and what is coming up in our lives the following week. This is a time to meet us all.

  • Hits: 8796

Trinity Church

1985 FM 155 South
Weimar, Texas 78962
Phone: (979) 263-5923
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Sunday Worship

  • Sunday Worship – 9:00 a.m.
  • Children's Sunday School
         During 9:00 a.m. worship service
         (nursery provided)
  • Adult Bible Study
         1st and 3rd. Sunday 10:15 a.m.
  • Open Communion
         1st Sunday of each month
  • Decoration Day
         1st Sunday of May 9 A.M.

Special Evening Services

  • Maundy Thursday – 7 P.M.
         (Communion service)

  • Candlelight Service is held
    at 6 P.M.. on the Sunday
    prior to Christmas and includes

  • A special candlelight service is held on Christmas Eve with Communion at 6 P.M.