Birthday Club

This is a church of learning, teaching, loving and fellowship.

Each Sunday after the morning service there is normally a spread of food that most people would call brunch. We just call it refreshments!!

On the 4th Sunday of the month there is a luncheon after the morning church services. The free will offering is used to help sponsor the Fishes and Loaves. Fishes and Loaves is a local group that is organized for the purpose of taking meals to the home bound. This is also an opportunity for those who for the month reached another milestone birthday and anniversary in their lives and to share it with others. This is a pot luck dinner where you have an opportunity to try out your favorite recipe on your friends for their comments. .

Trinity Church

1985 FM 155 South
Weimar, Texas 78962
Phone: (979) 263-5923
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Sunday Worship

  • Sunday Worship – 9:00 a.m.
  • Children's Sunday School
         During 9:00 a.m. worship service
         (nursery provided)
  • Adult Bible Study
         1st and 3rd. Sunday 10:15 a.m.
  • Open Communion
         1st Sunday of each month
  • Decoration Day
         1st Sunday of May 9 A.M.

Special Evening Services

  • Maundy Thursday – 7 P.M.
         (Communion service)

  • Candlelight Service is held
    at 6 P.M.. on the Sunday
    prior to Christmas and includes

  • A special candlelight service is held on Christmas Eve with Communion at 6 P.M.